Plasma Skin Tightening
Anti Wrinkles treatment
Non Surgical

What is Plasma Skin Tightening?:
Its also known as Fibroblast or Electrodessication. The treatment has been around for about 3 to 4 years mainly in Europe. This utilizes plasma, formed through ionization of atmospheric gasses to stimulate instant contraction and tightening of skin fibers and collagen production. This technology does not use scalpel or laser to remove excess skin, thereby avoiding all risks inherent to the traditional intervention.
It can be use for:
*Eyelid Reconstruction, including resolving baggy lower eyelids and excess
*Upper eyelid skin
*Skin imperfections and benign lesions including skin tags and sunspots
*Improvement in the appearance of scarring, including post surgery scars, acne scars.
*Diminishing Stretch Marks
*Tightening loose stomach skin after pregnancy
*Lines and wrinkles around the mouth
*Facelift and Neck Lift
*Dismishing double chain
*Defines jaw line and saggy skin
How long does it last?
As plasma Skin Tightening is more than a simple tightening treatment so the effects should last as long as they would with invasive surgery. Like all surgical and Cosmetic procedures, the effects of plasma treatment are not entirely permanent as it does not stop any further aging, but, the positive results should last years depending on the area treated. The positive effects of treatment will be noticeable immediately after the first treatment, but the best results will be seen after 4 to 6 weeks. For some, additional treatments may be required after 6 weeks for maximum results.
Advantages :
Non-surgical rejuvenation
Virtually pain-free treatment
No injectable anaesthetic required
No cutting of skin or stitches required
Minimal side effects and down time
Instant & amazing results
Prices from $200
Is the treatment safe and does it hurt?
Local numbing cream is applied for 20 minutes prior to treatment to minimize any discomfort and the procedure is then virtually painless. The treatment may feel hot in places and there may be a tingling or burning sensation afterwards. Fibroblast plasma technology has been used worldwide for several years. It is safe.
Are there any side effects with the Skin Tightening treatment?
Following this treatment, tiny dark brown/black spots may appear or there may be an appearance more typical of a burn. Swelling is common and often lasts several days and can be quite significant around the eyes. The area will often be red and warm immediately after the procedure and can be quite tender for a few days. Clients may experience a tingling or burning sensation. Crusting or a scab can develop and it is important to keep this clean, dry and protected from intense sunlight and other sources of UV light to prevent uneven pigmentation as the treated area recovers.
What can I expect after my Skin Tightening Plasma treatment?
Final results after the treatment depend on severity of skin laxity or size of lesion, the desired result, the general condition of the skin and any pre-existing skin or medical problems. Reduction in skin folds and creases appear immediately. The tiny dark brown spots flake off over the following two to three weeks and the skin will heal within a similar period. Swelling is common and can be quite pronounced around the eyes, often worse the following morning and lasting for several days. The area may be tender as it is healing and may scab. It is important to allow any spots or scabs to fall off naturally otherwise scarring or infection may occur. As the treated skin is sublimated, the results often last years or permanently.
What about downtime?
One of the major advantages of this is that it offers a much less invasive/expensive alternative to surgery as well as the time it takes to carry out. This does not mean there is no downtime, but by comparison it is minimal. You can experience significant swelling in the area treated, particularly in the eye area this diminishes over a 2-5 day period. The tiny plasma flash causes ‘crusts’ to form on the skin giving the distinctive dotting effect. These on average are gone between 5-7 days. They may also be covered over to reduce their visibility. These are cosmetic issues only, technically there is no real downtime if these visual effects are of no concern to you.
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